Pira regane rega gagal kothak gir Audi, lan kasus kegagalan ndandani gir gearbox sistem dual-kopling.
FAW-Volkswagen Audi Q5 2012 dilengkapi mesin 2.0TFSI lan dual-speed 0B5 7-speedsistem koplingkothak gir Kotak gir dual-kopling iki nduwe tingkat kegagalan sing dhuwur lan kisaran nyopir 188152km. Pemilik nanggapi manawa ora ana crawling nalika gir R wis dipasang setengah taun kepungkur.
, Restart sawise stalling normal, lan nyopir gir D biasane; saiki kesalahan asring kedadeyan, lan kesalahan macet lan restart tetep padha, nanging nambah throttle bisa nyusup alon-alon, lan normal sawise mlaku, lan kesalahan kasebut asring kedadeyan ing dalan.When the vehicle rushed to refuel, the sistem kopling slipped severely when the 3rd gear was up to the 4th gear and the 5th gear was up to the 6th gear. Sometimes the transmission oil temperature was reported to be faulty and the gearbox entered the protection mode.
This kind of failure phenomenon is relatively rare and occurs when the friction plate of the sistem kopling K2 is severely ablated.
Nalika ndandani, kita kudu mbedakake manawa suhu minyak transmisi pancen dhuwur utawa salah. Fenomena kegagalan semacam iki yaiku suhu minyak transmisi pancen dhuwur, sing nyebabake transmisi alarm, mlebu mode proteksi, lan menyang toko perbaikan kanggo ndeteksi kesalahan. Toko ndandani wis
Hubungi unit perbaikan eksternal, sing dikutip 25.000, banjur goleki perbaikan kothak gir Audi online kanggo ngubungi toko perbaikan.
After a test run by our master, the computer detects the fault diagnosis and troubleshooting instructions: 1, The sistem kopling is depressurized, the friction plate and steel plate cannot be pushed, and the power cannot be connected!
2. â € ‚Gesekan ora cukup, piring gesekan dipotong (longkangan gedhe, ablasi lempeng gesekan, glasare, lsp), piring waja dienggo!
3. â € ‚Sistem kontrol komputer rusak!
4. â € ‚Katup solenoid saka regulator switch gir dicekal lan rusak, gagal mekanik!5.â € ‚Plunger ing njero kothak katup spol macet, lan tekanan minyak distribusi ora cukup!